Acker Piano Studio
Events Beyond the Studio -
Contests & Auditions
Auditions and competitions can be extremely motivating for students. Imagine signing your child up for a sports team, taking them to all the practices but then never have him or her participate in a real game! Having a goal to work towards, learning how to accept criticism, learning how to win and lose gracefully - these are the things that make lessons special and what makes studying music important for many, many years to come.
Participation in contests is always optional. It may be recommended, but never demanded. If a student is not prepared for a particular event, they will not be entered in that event. Students should always feel prepared and confident.
Trophies, ribbons and cash awards make piano lessons as exciting as sports and school competitions! Once students progress into advanced music, the music becomes as exciting as the awards that can be earned!
National Guild of Piano Teachers
* Guild Piano Auditions - non-competitive
* Guild Composition Contest - competitive
National Federation of Music Clubs
* Jr. Festival - non-competitive
* Jr. Composition Contest - competitve
Milwaukee Area Piano Teachers Association
* Young Artist Competition & Recital
* Honors Track Auditions & Recital
* Summer Music Festival